Are you a book lover looking to share your interest with other like-minded people? The Free Library of New Hope and Solebury can help you create a book club to meet either virtually or at the library.

Book Chat: Meets the first Tuesday of every month at 1pm on Zoom, and the third Tuesday of every month at 1pm in-person at the library. Share what you’ve been reading and get recommendations for future reads. Please register for the Zoom link to the virtual version of Book Chat by using our online calendar. No registration is necessary for the in-person program.

Book Club in a Bag: This county-wide service lets you choose from over 40 titles and provides everything you need for your next book club meeting – whether you’re forming a new club or you’ve participated for years.

Each bag contains:

  • 8 to 10 copies of a title chosen for book discussion groups
  • A facilitator’s guide for leading a discussion
  • A list of discussion questions

To borrow a bag, check the catalog for the Book Club in a Bag collection. You can place a hold on the title of your choice and the bag will be sent to the New Hope-Solebury Library for pick up. When you’re done, return the books, the folder and its contents, and the bag. You can borrow a bag for three weeks and renew it for another three weeks if nobody else has placed a hold on it.


Our meeting space is now open and available for those needing a space to host their book club. For additional information, please contact the library at 215-862-2330.